Hand-Curated Enrichment
Puppy Parents Corner
Sunshine's Adventure Playground
Enrichment Equipment
Sunshine's Calming Collection
Sunshine's Cognitive & Sensory Development Resources

Breeder Equipment
Sunshine’s Puppy Tutor Pro
This puppy and kitten potty box is the new game-changing item every kennel should use because, developmentally, they hit milestones by solving tasks, like navigating grates without slipping, driven by their instinct to keep their nest clean.
The Potty Tutor Pro's design ensures:
- Problem Solving Brain Work-Pups learn to walk on the grate without their feet going through.
- Pups and kittens are driven by instinct to keep the nest clean.
- Engage gross motor by moving off their bed and will “hold it” to eliminate on the Potty Tutor Pro.
- Keeps pup clean from fecal matter and urine
- Easy to clean
- Available in 3 sizes

The Right Tools for the Right Job.
Finally, what you’ve been looking for! This is quality enrichment equipment built especially for puppies and kittens. They're durable, easy to clean and sterilize, and made to last.

Safe & Engaging
These items grow with the litter starting at 4 weeks, holding their interest, building muscle and promoting confidence. As the puppies grow, they use the items differently.
The Big Top Toy Spinner, for example, is stationary when pups or kittens begin batting and mouthing at the toys. As they grow, they'll learn to "spin" the toys and make them move. They also use the items to interact with their littermates.
Learn more
Committed to Puppy Development
Healthy puppy development involves engaging them in various activities, providing enrichment through play and exploration.
Puppies thrive and build confidence when actively involved in socialization, training, and physical exercise. With an upbeat voice and encouraging interactions, we nurture their well-being, setting the stage for a vibrant, happy life ahead.
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